Paper NBER: "30 años de la Teoría Prospectiva en economía: una revisión y evaluación"

"Prospect theory, first described in a 1979 paper by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, is widely viewed as the best available description of how people evaluate risk in experimental settings. While the theory contains many remarkable insights, economists have found it challenging to apply these insights, and it is only recently that there has been real progress in doing so. In this paper, after first reviewing prospect theory and the difficulties inherent in applying it, I discuss some of this recent work. While it is too early to declare this research effort an unqualified success, the rapid progress of the last decade makes me optimistic that at least some of the insights of prospect theory will eventually find a permanent and significant place in mainstream economic analysis."

Comentario: Una importante revisión de la literatura sobre economía conductual en entorno de riesgo com el presente, aunque yo soy tan optimista como el autor, pues la verdadera formación en evaluación de riesgos proviene de la formación inicial y familiar, que en eso sí el Perú está muy por detrás de otros países.


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