
Showing posts from October, 2013

Paper Comments: "Guilt Aversion and Redistributive Politics: A Moral Intuitionist Approach"

ABSTRACT : " In mainstream economics individuals are supposed to be driven only by theirself-interest. By contrast, surveys clearly show that people do care about fairness in their demand for redistribution. In this article, in the spirit of the " new synthesis " in moral psychology (Haidt, 2007: The new synthesis in moral psychology ) the author proposes to modelize the voting behavior over redistribution as the interaction between (a) an automatic cognitive process which quickly generates intuitions on the fair level of redistribution, (b) a rational self-oriented reasoning which controls the feeling of guilt associated with fair intuitions. In addition, considering that guilt aversion depends on the cultural context, the author shows that the model exhibits a multiplicity of history-dependent steady states which may account for the huge difference of redistribution observed between Europe and the United States." ( Read More ) COMMENTS: A very useful paper for civ...

¿Y como influye la inflación subyacente y no subyacente en la estimación de la meta de inflación? [J.M. MARTIN]

*La presente entrada es un avance del documento de trabajo no publicado Nº 010-2013-EMECEP/GEE.EI. "Levantamiento del Velo a la metodología de estimación de la inflación en el Perú: Simulaciones y Proyecciones en torno a la Meta Explícita de Inflación".  Una de las principales discusiones y críticas de la econometría es la relativa a la estabilidad de los parámetros estimados de un modelo macroeconométrico; al respecto, los componentes de la inflación, conforme es calculada y estimada en el Perú, no son ajenos a dicha problemática. IPC = f ( IPCSUB, IPCNOSUB)