Reblogging Comments: "Why economics needs economic history" (O'ROURKE, K.H).

EXCERPT: "The current economic and financial crisis has given rise to a vigorous debate about what training graduate and undergraduate economics students are receiving. This column argues that we don't teach enough economic and financial history, even though it is crucial in thinking about the economy. It also offers a wealth of opportunities for teachers who wish to motivate their students." (Read More)

COMMENTS: First, some economic schools should distinguish "Economic History" from "History of Economic Thought". While some of the professor may be true scholars in economic thought, the history as a sum of facts and its analysis is less rigorous in some of them. Second, there aren't many economic history books in developing countries, in particular in Peru, probably because editors don't find it profitable. Third, the few books you can find are not well organized nor helping comparisons between economic periods, in fact, they look more like economic chronicles than a true economic history book. There's still a lot of work to do. 


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